Can Tree Pruning Limit Storm Damage?

Did you know tree pruning has benefits beyond simply making your tree look good? It’s true. In fact, a lesser-known benefit that many property owners don’t realize is that tree pruning can prevent storm damage. The keyword here is “can.”  No one can completely prevent storm damage to your trees and property. As someone wise once said, “Mother Nature will … Read More

We’d Love Your 5-Star Tree Service Google Review

Did you know Clean Edge Tree Service & Removal in Denton, TX, has amassed over 570 5-Star Google reviews? It’s one thing to have that many reviews, but it’s more impressive that all of them are 5 stars! We take pride in being the best at what we do, but we know all those positive words are because of our … Read More

Does Excessive Texas Heat Hurt Trees?

It’s difficult to imagine it being any hotter outside. A month ago, we were collectively complaining about all the rain and praying to the Gods that we could finally get a little peak of sunshine, and now here we are — practically on the surface of the sun. Heat warnings are an everyday thing right now, and while you are … Read More

Maintain Your Mature Trees

The beauty of a tree goes beyond just its physical presence. Trees also has to do with their significance in our world as they symbolizes a balance of tranquility and nature. Trees hold so much value for life and for your property, and this is why homeowners need to take great care of their tree landscape – especially their mature … Read More

5 Ways Trees Boost Property Values

It always catches my eye when I see a really nice house with no trees in the front yard. Granted, there’s likely a reason for it — perhaps the homeowner had to remove them because of disease, weather damage, etc., or maybe they didn’t like what the builder originally planted. But that doesn’t stop me from noticing. Again, it’s a … Read More

What Are the Signs of Tree Fungus?

Heart rot in a tree that causes damage to its system

So, you think you’ve got a fungus. Hold up, let’s rephrase that, shall we? So, you think your tree might have a fungus — not just one, by the way … several. And all you want is to get rid of these pesky fungi for good. We can’t blame you! Tree fungus comes in many forms (almost too many to … Read More