We’d Love Your 5-Star Tree Service Google Review

Did you know Clean Edge Tree Service & Removal in Denton, TX, has amassed over 570 5-Star Google reviews? It’s one thing to have that many reviews, but it’s more impressive that all of them are 5 stars! We take pride in being the best at what we do, but we know all those positive words are because of our … Read More

Pricing Tree Work – Some Insights for the Client

When it comes to tree work, nothing is really routine. Every job, every property, every tree is different. This is why when some customers call wanting to know a service price over the phone without a visit to see for ourselves, we tell them that is not entirely possible. We get it, though. Sometimes, people just want a ballpark figure … Read More

5 Ways Trees Boost Property Values

It always catches my eye when I see a really nice house with no trees in the front yard. Granted, there’s likely a reason for it — perhaps the homeowner had to remove them because of disease, weather damage, etc., or maybe they didn’t like what the builder originally planted. But that doesn’t stop me from noticing. Again, it’s a … Read More

4 Reasons Not To Plant a Tree Too Close to Your Home

Blackjack Oak tree removal - too close to house and poses future threats

Another summer will be here before you know it, and homeowners near and far will look for ways to add some oomph to their property’s curb appeal by planting new trees. As far as we’re concerned, no home is complete without big, beautiful trees in the yard. They create quite the stately appearance, especially when well-groomed. So, please plant as … Read More

Will My Tree Grow Back Even After Stump Grinding?

Stump grinding can be done effortlessly with the right machine like this SC70TX Stump Cutter.

A common question our tree service professionals get when a customer hires us for stump grinding is if their tree has the potential to grow back. After all, tree roots can run deep — especially with big, thick, and healthy trees. So, while you may have eliminated the tree and even ground down the stump, it’s only natural to think … Read More

Is Your HOA Forcing You To Prune Your Trees?

When an old customer of ours called us recently, the first thing out of his mouth when I picked up the phone was, “Well, Henry. I guess it’s time that I finally prune my trees! My HOA is on my case about getting it done.”  Admittedly, it had been three or four years since he last had us out to … Read More

5 Signs That Your Tree Is Dying

An obvious sign that your tree is dying or already dead is when there are no leaves on the tree. Everything is bare and sickly looking, and it sticks out like a sore thumb on your property. But as we’ve said many times, just because your tree looks healthy and green right now doesn’t mean it’s thriving. There are hidden … Read More

How To Spot a Safety-Conscious Tree Service Professional

You’ve got two or three trees in your yard that need to be trimmed back and possibly removed for safety reasons. You could do it yourself, but seeing as that plan didn’t exactly work out for you or your trees the last time, you realize it’s better to call a tree service professional. Not only will the job be done … Read More